Gönül ister aradığını,
Hep mi bekler hep mi bulamaz,
Gönül ister tanıdığını,
Hiç mi bilmez hiç mi soramaz,
Beni alsa nafile nafile,
Yerime bir şey koyamaz,
Yalvarsam da kal diye kal diye,
O yerinde hiç duramaz,
Onun arabası var güzel mi güzel,
Şöförü de var özel mi özel,
Bastı mı gaza gidermi gider,
Maalesef ruhu yok,
Onun için hiç mi hiç şansı yok.
(The heart wants, who it is looking for, will it always wait, can't it ever find ? the heart wants who it is familiar with, does it ever know, can't it ever ask ? it's no use even if she takes me, she can't replace me, even if I beg her to stay, she can't stay where she is at, she has a car, so cool,she has a driver, so private, when he steps on the gas, it speeds off instantly, she doesn't have a soul, that's why she hasn't got a chance)